Get A Concealed Carry Vest Today
Hotter temperatures means that summer is right around the corner! Browse our selection of premium concealed carry vests, including our hot weather vest! This vest will keep you comfortable, cool, and safe during your summer outings!
All of our vests are hand-made by Linda Coltrin here in the U.S.A.
Get the best vests money can buy. Each and every one of our vests gets hand-crafted using only the most durable, finest, and fashionable material available here in America!
Custom Concealed Carry Vests for Every Occasion
Concealed Carry Outfitters has been a leading supplier of weapon concealing products for over a decade. We proudly hand-craft each and every vest in the U.S.A. by one of our owners for each customer. Our vests come in a variety of styles for different situations. Whether you're on a family outing, stuck in the hot weather, going Out in public, or simply want to conceal a variety of weapons discretely without giving up your comfort; we have the best for you for any situation!
Help Keep Your Family Safe- Don't Get Caught Unprepared
All of our vests have a minimum of seven pockets that are designed to maximize safety. These concealment pockets have been designed to hold a variety of accessories like flashlights, tactical blades, spare magazines, cell phones/identification, mace, and much more!
Our Vests Make It Easy For Conceal and Quick Access
Our vests are cut long enough to cover and conceal full size handguns, even with your hands fully extended in the air. We custom tailor all vests long enough to cover full size auto pistols and revolvers with barrel lengths 4 inches or more worn in an a variety of belt holsters.
We Design Our Vests For Comfort and Practicability
All of our vests are designed with safety and comfort as our chief concern; however, your satisfaction is a top priority! Not only are our vests made with the finest material available, they are also able to be completely customized according to your needs.